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Casa Tomas Playacar for sale

US$ 1,699,000
VACATION HOME FOR SALE SOON The famous Casa Tomas Playacar is coming to market soon.   [more]
VACATION HOME FOR SALE SOON The famous Casa Tomas Playacar is coming to market soon.   Live and stay in a gate [more]
4 4.5details
Sandra Salina
Lots and land

LAND—1.5 kilometers from Solferino Yuc...

US$ 350,000
Beautiful  7 hectares of land for Sale located in Solferino Yucatan and Chiquila,Yucatan ( [more]
Beautiful  7 hectares of land for Sale located in Solferino Yucatan and Chiquila,Yucatan (where you take the ferry  [more]
Sandra Salina

Solferino,Yucatan Small house 1250 m2 $260,0...

US$ 260,000
Beautiful House for sale located in Solferino Yucatan1 bedroom1 bathroomPatioSun roof1,250 [more]
Beautiful House for sale located in Solferino Yucatan1 bedroom1 bathroomPatioSun roof1,250 m2Price $ 260,000 us
Sandra Salina
Lots and land

Beautiful Lot in XPU-HA 15 minutes away from...

US$ 390,000
XPU-HA is still the best kept secret on the riviera maya only 15 minutes from playa del Ca [more]
XPU-HA is still the best kept secret on the riviera maya only 15 minutes from playa del Carmen. The lot size 9418 s [more]
Lots and land

Price Drop ! Beautiful lot on the Island of ...

US$ 282,000
Price Drop!!!   Imagine what a developer can do here It’s Beautiful, 1,000 square Meters, [more]
Price Drop!!!   Imagine what a developer can do here It’s Beautiful, 1,000 square Meters, 2 blocks from the beach b [more]


US$ 144,995
This tastefully decorated condo has everything you need for a wonderful lifestyle. It is w [more]
This tastefully decorated condo has everything you need for a wonderful lifestyle. It is within the exclusive commu [more]
1 1 980.00 ft2details

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Craig Beechum

With over 40 years experience in the real estate and mortgage industry, Craig has the know ...
Sandra Salinas

Sandra Salinas

Sandra’s sociability, independent spirit, and incredible customer service set him apart as ...

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Amber Jane
Hollywood, Los Angeles
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Lorena Jonas
Palo Alto
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Amber Janette
Los Angeles
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